After handing a bottle cap to a spectator to inspect, the magician places it in his left hand, and has a spectator blow on his clenched fist. When he opens his fist, the bottle cap has turned into a coin which can also be handed out for inspection if desired.
Props & Setup
A bottle cap, a silver half dollar or other coin, a magnet that is strong enough to attract the bottle cap through pocket and padding and padding material such as a handkerchief or other piece of cloth.
Wrap the magnet in the handkerchief which will dampen any sound as it attracts the bottle cap, but not so thick that it will make it difficult to catch the bottle cap or prevent it from holding the weight of the cap.
The magnet should be exactly at the height of your right hand when hanging down at your side. Depending on the type of pants, the magnet can either be in the right back pocket or taped to the inside of the pants behind your right thigh under the back pocket at arm's length.
The magnet must be positioned so that your does not stick out and call attention to what you're doing as you ditch the bottle cap. The left photograph above shows the proper position, the right photograph shows the position to be avoided.
Handling & Presentation
Start with the bottle cap and coin in your front right pocket. Reach into the pocket, classic palm the coin and bring out the bottle cap between thumb and index finger.
The photographs above show the hand position that makes the coin invisible from most angles. It is important to have your index finger inside of the cap as it makes it easier to do the switch.
Drop the bottle cap on your left palm, then hand it over for inspection. Extend your left hand, palm up, to receive the coin after inspection. I feel this is important since people will think it's a trick bottle cap if you don't let them examine it.
Pick it up between your right thumb and index finger. Rotate your left hand palm down, then palm up again to show it completely empty. Without saying anything like "Look, my hand is empty!" Keep your mouth shut and look at your left hand.
Here's the move: As you rotate the left hand you drop the coin from classic palm to finger palm then, using your index finger, push the cap into thumb palm position. This is a two step move.
You must keep looking at your left hand while you do the dirty work.
Notice the sequence: The coin goes from classic palm to finger palm. The bottle cap is thumb palmed as the coin is rests on the fingers.
Apparently drop the bottle cap (really the coin) in your left hand and turn your fist palm down.
The photograph above shows an exposed view of the fist palm down as the switch is made and the coin is placed in the left hand which closes around it.
The next step is to ditch the bottle cap. This is easily done with a little misdirection.
You haven't kept your eyes off your left hand so everyone's attention is still glued to it wondering how you're going to pull it off, when in fact you already have!
While you ask the some to gently blow on your clenched left fist, you take a step forward with your left foot while and you slowly drop your right hand to ditch the bottle cap by pressing it silently against the magnet. This move actually takes a bit of practice.
It's important that you step sideways so the motion of ditching the coin is hidden behind your body. Stage magicians are used to this type of motion.
Now for the revelation ... You slowly open you left hand to show the coin, then drop it on your right hand and hand it over for inspection. This shows both hands empty (aside from the coin) without saying a word about it. Take a bow.
If you wish, you may want to pick the bottle cap from the magnet and palm it (in your right hand), then extend your left hand to receive your coin. You then pick up the coin with between thumb index finger as you did at the beginning of the trick with the cap and drop it in your right-front pocket.
You are now set up to do it again, but not to the same group of people, of course.
Patter is very important here. It will make the difference between doing a quickie opener or milking the trick into an unforgettable performance. I use something like this:
"I studied under the great alchemist Nicholas Flamel who discovered the secret of transmuting base metals into gold."
"Although I have never matched his skills, after many years of practice, I finally succeeded in turning base metals to silver. Let me show you."
If I'm in a situation where people are drinking, like a bar or restaurant, I pick up a bottle cap from the table and proceed with my demonstration. Otherwise, I pull out my bottle cap from my pocket and say with a wink:"I carry these around for quick cash when needed." And you hand it to a spectator to inspect.
She drops the cap on my open left palm.
I pick up the cap between right thumb and index finger while I slowly turn my left hand palm down and up again to show it completely empty. I would never say "Look, my hand is empty!" I simply do the action, and then put the "bottle cap" in my left hand and close it.
I say, "The secret ingredient is the breath, as it carries such enormous spiritual power within it."
I ask the spectator, "Can you please blow on my hand gently?"
As she does, my undivided attention is on my left hand. Everyone follows my lead and they stare at it too. (This creates plenty of misdirection to ditch the coin as described above).
I then say, "I can feel it. It's done."
I slowly open my hand to reveal the silver half where the bottle cap had been.
Slowly, I drop the coin from my left hand to my right and hand it to someone for inspection. This shows both hands empty aside from the coin, without having to tell them so.
No bottle cap in sight. I stand back and bask in my new alchemist reputation. :)
The Switch
If you're familiar with coin moves, you've noticed I use a simplified version of the Bobo Switch. The Bobo Switch is meant to be done under fire. You do the switch while everyone is looking right at your hands and your arm's motion hides the switch.
With a little misdirection, you can do this at a much slower and easier pace, as explained above. Slowly showing your left hand on both sides gives you all the time in the world to do the switch easily and at a much slower pace. Why do it the hard way if you can take your time and take it easy?
Performance Notes
This should not be performed as a quickie. Take your time and use good patter to build up tension before the revelation of the transmutation.
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